We lay special emphasis on the holistic development of the student, especially on the moral, ethical and social all round development of each child entrusted to us.
All students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. All the belongings of a student should be marked with the student’s name and class.
All students are expected to be courteous and respectful towards the school and its authorities including the teachers and ancillary staff members.
Smoking, chewing gum, chewing paan, betel-nut or any tobacco product by any student are strictly forbidden. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, bad conduct, consumption of alcohol, drug abuse, stealing, any form of verbal or written obscenity, will be dealt with accordingly.
A student is not expected to have in his / her possession any notes, papers, books, pocket books or other methods of unfair means during the examination. Possession of any of the above may result in suspension and in the event of a serious nature judged by the Principal may cause in dismissal from the school or be given T.C. at the end of the school year.
Students are not allowed to possess or use any electronic gadgets, cell phones, cameras, laptops, tablets, video games, pen drives, portable audio and video devices as well as any mass storage devices. If found in possession or in use of any of the above without the prior permission of the Principal, they will be confiscated.
No books, comics, newspapers or printed materials of any objectionable nature must be brought to the school.
Every student is expected to subscribe to local charities and other relief efforts if and when authorized by the Principal.
Defacing/tampering of one’s own or another’s school diary, notebooks or text books will the punished. Defacing/damaging school property must be made good by the student.
Any conduct/behavior subversive to good discipline which is detrimental to the school integrity and its image will be strictly dealt with.
Any misconduct in regard to all of the above will be dealt with according to the gravity of the act by the Principal/Vice-Principal.