An Educational Tour(Secondary) 2024-25
On the 5th of February,we the students of Augustine's Public School from classes VI-X embarked on ascientific journey-our much awaited trip to Science City. It was an excitingopportunity to explore the wonders of science beyond the class room.
Our day began with anenthusiastic bus ride. Upon reaching Science City, we first visited the spaceTheatre, where a captivating 3D show took us on the journey of Voyager 1 andVoyager 2. It felt as if we were aboard a spacecraft, exploring each planet and its moons, starting from the Sunand ending with Pluto. In the end it also showed us about the Golden recordwhich carries the hope of humanity of finding any other foreign creature inthe universe.
Next we explored theDynamotion Hall, filled with interactive exhibits, optical illusions, andhands-on experiments that made science fun and interesting. We then attended a 30 minute Science on a sphere lecture.There was a suspended sphere in the middle of the room on which projectorsshowcased Earth's climate andatmosphere. It also gave us a closer look at the other planets in our solarsystem, helping us understand their unique features and differences.
After this we had abreak and we took lunch. After lunch we enjoyed a thrilling Dark Ride,Evolution of Life, where a small train carrying twelve people took us throughdifferent themed rooms. Each room showcased a distinct era of Earth's History,from its fiery beginnings to the age of dinosaurs and the modern world.
Just after the DarkRide, we experienced the Panorama evolution of life show, which beautifullydepicted how humans evolved from monkeys. The lifelike models and detailednarration made the journey of human evolution fascinating and easy tounderstand.
As the day ended weboarded the bus back, to school from where we were dismissed. It was truly amemorable experience, filled with learning, excitement and fun. The trip notonly expanded our knowledge but also sparked a deeper curiosity about the worldof Science.